
Minimalistic tropical leafsIKEA MALM Dresser

vintage rosesIKEA MALM Dresser

pink peoniesIKEA MALM Dresser

Sketched flowersIKEA MALM Dresser

Tropical cheetahs upIKEA MALM Dresser

Green PineappleIKEA MALM Dresser

field flowersIKEA MALM Dresser

peoniesIKEA MALM Dresser

Flowering treesIKEA MALM Dresser

Hawaii flowersIKEA MALM Dresser

black and white floral patterIKEA MALM Dresser

tropical flowers patternIKEA MALM Dresser
Beautiful Ikea Malm decals - excellent idea for you!
Redecorating house is for many people very difficult and stressful experience, but for us it is a true pleasure and that is why we would like to help by showing you really easy way to change your surrounding completely. Ikea Malm stickers are created to live up to your expectations and in the same time glamorize the interior.
These astounding decals are made specially to decorate Malm dresser from Ikea, but on your special request we can personalize its size and color if you would like to cover any other furniture. Using stickers is one of the fastest ways to refurbish the whole room and surprise your family with a totally new design. Wide range of patterns and colors allow to design your own style, so that you can fully enjoy fantastic atmosphere.
World of nature in your own house
Whether you live in the peaceful countryside or in the busy center of the city, natural world is something that calms and relaxes everyone, creating this extraordinary, familiar feeling. That is the main reason, why we should surround ourselves with greenery patterns, that remind us about powerful influence nature have on our lives.
Most of Ikea Malm decals have patterns inspired by colorful flowers, such as roses, camomiles or peonies, green, tropical leaves or juicy fruits, for example pineapples, but all presented in a modern way. These unique ornaments have a soothing impact on the way we feel in our own houses, even after a really long and tiring day. Furthermore, natural patterns are also incredibly beautiful and amazing in their simplicity and combination of different shapes, forms and texture.
Special features and durable material
Ikea Malm stickers created to fit Ikea dresser are made out of very solid materials. Fabrics used to produce them are water resistant and washable, which means that they can be cleaned easily without any trouble with a dry cloth. Moreover, they are also self adhesive, so you don’t need any help while applying it and if you change your mind, there is a possibility to remove the decal and stick it somewhere else.
It is also very hard to tear or crease it, because of the high quality materials, so it is a perfect decoration not only in the bedroom, but also in the corridor or children’s room. Timeless stickers would make your house look cosy and charming, delighting all your guests. This prettifying ornament is a must-have if you are looking for stylish and elegant way to rearrange your interior quickly, without much effort.